CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta are hosting a two-hour special CNN Global Town Hall Coronavirus: Fact and Fears with Facebook and Instagram, focusing on the Coronavirus tonight 10pm-12am ET/PT on CNN, CNN International, without requiring a login to a cable provider, and right here on Facebook. What questions do you have? Yoda Do Or Do Not There Is No Try. Do you want it.
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Tami Hales cnn spreads lies Educate yourself the Democrats are all in the pockets of big pharmaceutical companies who are lobbying for a fix not a solution just to make a profit. Thank you, thank you Dr. Fauci you are my only hope in a sea of fear and hopelessness, you bring calm and hope. You give thruth, fact, education thank you so much for your servic. Anita Geronimo it’s sad that you think God is your only hope. Yoda Do Or Do Not There Is No Try. Try believing in yourself, your community, and science and you’ll have a much better chance of survival. You couldn’t be more wrong! It’s not a flu virus those are called influenza. I’m not even going to attempt to explain the difference to you, or the reasons this virus is far more dangerous.
How to buy: Yoda Do Or Do Not There Is No Try
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