Denise LewisPeople this is a serious issue it is not rocket science to know that u should wear a mask and do what u can to keep u r self and u r family safe and not to mention every one else around u and the best thing to do is to stay at home if u ain’t got to go. Why must everyone include the dig If you are afraid? They may just have more sense then all of us. At the Po today long lines kinda spaced but in the time I was in line about 5 people cut through the line and walked past with no mask! Well one had mask over mouth but below the nose! That counts as a no mask to me. I am high risk but i still have. It’s really sad that some of you laughed at this! I pray none of you get this mess. It’s no joke. I finally feel a little like me today and honestly I haven’t been anywhere near as sick as ya can get, but this has kept me down. Women’s golf friend face mask
Women’s golf friend face mask
CrysKael RegaladoAllow me to summarize this post keep weakening your immune systems by following what we say18 . I Love Why follow the CDC FB page if you don’t care for what they recommend and even find it funny? The sky is falling. Are you counting flu this year? All heard about the CDC concentration camps yet? they seem like they will be fun huh? I look forward to being with the Lord! I do all of that I wear masks everywhere I go I wash my hands I social distancing I use hand sanitizer I stay away from crowded places. I stay home. Close the abortion clinics! That would save millions of lives. Lost 3 family members to Covid. My aunt was sent to the ER like 2 hrs ago and many of my relatives have covid at this moment. Lost some friends too 15 Women’s golf friend face mask
Beautiful Women’s golf friend face mask
Ashley PalmerIt’s true. I caught it last week. I’ve been extra careful also. I picked a family friend up from work because his car was in the shop. Then four days later I’m sick and he tested positive. Two days later so did I. You people who think it’s fake have. Everyone knew from the beginning that hcq could have stopped cov in April. It would have been a normal year with a normal virus. But they lied and wouldn’t allow people to have it and forced them onto vents instead where they died. Wear a mask when in public! Staying home. The death rate is no where near where it was in March. Haven’t we been doing all this stuff for the last 9+ months? Words used or not used are very important to context and the story being told. 300,000+ Americans have died. Dying of Covid is different than dying with Covid.