Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug
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Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

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Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

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Excuse me, the relief package should 100% be for America, nowhere else!. 100s of millions to other countries! My tax money how dare you say it’s a good thing! You should be arrested for treason!. Why so much of tax payers money headed to other countries?. It would be a great time for you to retire. Praising Mitch for the Barrett hearings… time to say good-bye, Di.. You people why don’t you ask the GOP specifically Mitch McConnell. Him and his GOP cronies are the one who prevented the congress giving Americans more money. Thats why it took so long. The GOP fought for the rich corporation. They were not even willin… See More. Dems buckled and Pakistan won $10 in gender programs? I’m confused. $600 for US Taxpayers and hundred millions goes to foreign governments, that is what they do to Americans during the lockdowns of nine months. Great really great, stealing election ane stealing money from the hard working Americans. Congress is a big… See More Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug 1

Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug 3

Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug 2

Respectfully, the bill is full of pork. The organizational communication from the Dems is terrible. You need to all be posting, tweeting, emailing THE SAME message and shaming the GOP into remembering average Americans.. It is not enough. You caved to McConnell. There should have been no further tax breaks for the wealthy. That money belongs to the taxpayers….I am very disappointed.. 5600 pages of pork. I could have written a bill on one page to cover US citizens needs. You and your kind must be ousted from office.. Waste of money on useless deficit spending and pile up of the catastrophic National. Weak negotiations. 6 months to come up with 600. Pitiful. Not one of you deserves a paycheck.. This bill is embarrassing you shouldn’t support it you should be disappointed. You and the Republicans are one in the same.. As I’ve come to better understand the extent to which both political parties have sold out to the profit over people paradigm I find your rhetoric lacking in sincerity more each day. Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

Personalized Dinosaur Roargasms mug

So what action will you take to confront this behavior? We need action, Senator, not words.. you mean that crooked election your party stole?. Of course he does! And justly so, your side cheated and stole the election.. As he should! Ms Feinstein, as a representative of the people are you not concerned about the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud?. Can’t wait to see trump charged with sedition, among other things. Idiocy is not a defense to treason lol.. So…you don’t intend to call for any investigations. That’s the take away here.. Senator Feinstein. Thank you for your service to our country. At this time I think that you should turn over your seat. We need a committed representative that supports the constituents desires. You have served admirably, now, let a younger, stronger, … See More. The word deplorable and unpresidential are like the theme of the last 4 years, there’s got to be some other horrific word to use to describe this president and his administration’s behavior’s!!??