AND…….WE are ALL Wondering the same about YOU, Diane…… Why hasn’t the 25th Amendment been used? Oh right, the GOP is desperately holding onto power and are foolish enough to think their seditious acts can change the results. Such small minded men. We have a better future and it’s with Biden/Harris.. I wrote to Senator Feinstein’s office this morning. There must be consequences to this type of illegal behavior.. Why dont the media let the telephone call record the whole call conversation cause you and the media are disgusting ,we have more conservative stations now that tell the truth some thing you and your cronies no nothing of .. Doing nothing again Dianne, you should have retired if you are not going to help. You did a wonderful job, time to go home and enjoy what you have built.. If he were an investigator trying to give a criminal (who is unaware of a crime being committed) the opportunity to display their unwillingness not to have committ the crime the conversation would have progressed in a similar manner. Miss ms mrs Dr Mug
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Hey! Mrs. Feinstein. Where’s your Chinese Spy Driver?. I would like to see legal action to prevent him from running again. He needs to be impeached. The house could do that. I know the senate won’t but the action needs to be taken. Listen to the whole call and not just the edited version. Don’t be lazy and continue to allow the media to tell you how to think. Sheesh.. amen. Kudus and more to Raffensberger. But I am still not hearing the voices of intelligence rising from Congress. WHY DOES EVERYONE IN CONGRESS SEEM SO MUZZLED??? WHY DO THOSE OF US OUT HERE IN THE REMOTE WEEDS ONLY HEAR THE CRAZED VOICES.. Your part of the deep state that has been compromised by Red China. You & your husband probably will be on Gitmo. Isn’t what he has done seditious? Impeachable?. A president can be impeached even after he is no longer in office. So the Congress needs to hold this president responsible for the illegal action he took. Miss ms mrs Dr Mug
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The next phase being, hopefully, incarceration.. He has broken the law, hold him accountable.. Trump is not asking Raffensperger to manufacture votes. He’s asking him to find and return the votes that were stolen. Ummm that’s not what I got from the transcript at all. More an effort to create transparency and accountability and frustration that Raffensperger was so uninterested in either.. True the vote. What are you afraid of? America knows democrates cheated. #45 should be immediately charged with Election tampering. Get that going instead of pontificating about it!. I applaud Raffensberger for recording the conversation. Bravery should be recognized. Trump beats a violent drum.. Let’s compare this to the Chinese spy you had in your employ as a personal assistant for 20 years.. You twist words like TakaNO. YOUR BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY C H I N A.. The next phase of his life should include being held responsible for the damage he’s done.