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I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt

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It’s not even an issue of the government being “generous.” It’s OUR money. It’s OUR tax money that we hire the government to handle. We pay taxes for a great number of reasons… one is to provide the type of insurance policy, so to speak, that a pande… See More. Everyone is struggling. Thank you AOC and Bernie for giving us a voice. I tear up everytime I think about you guys trying to fight for us. It’s incredible how little representation there is for us at a time like this. So tired of hearing that billionai… See More. It’s funny because McConnell has been a proponent of socialism for the rich his entire career.. It’s a huge design flaw in our democracy, that one Senator from a state with less than 5 million people, can deny aid to hundreds of millions.. AOC, everyone is struggling. I’m so glad to have loud and proud woman like you voicing your opinions and doing WORK for the people. Not just holding up space in the Senate and never voting or making progress. Lordt, we need term limits! I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt

I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt

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I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt 1

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I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt 2

I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt 3

I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt 3

Is it really a stimulus cheque? I see it as more of a relief cheque. Americans should not go without food. I am a Canadian and am happy to contribute to aid to fellow Canadians who need financial assistance.. “We can always tax it back later if you’re that upset.” Preach. Thankfully there are a few members of Congress, like AOC and Bernie, who actually care about other people!. He got paid more than that this week to deny the public a check millions of people desperately need.. What is his definition of rich? ‘Cause I bet it’s way different from the rest of us.. He is getting paid WAY TOO MUCH for what he does!!!! Cant we refuse to pay him?. Dont worry. We’ll all be rolling in money as soon as that trickle down economic plan kicks in. Any minute now…. Right… I’ve never considered someone making 75K rich I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt

I believe in god our father i believe in christ the son 3D T-shirt

Many disagree with you. And I mean people like Kyle K. who actually got you the opportunity for your position in congress. Cornel West disagrees. Ben Spielberg disagrees. Dylan Ratigan disagrees. And many of these political minds were involved in the g… See More. stay N the game Alex. Take em down sister!!! We are behind you . Can’t wait to vote for you on a presidential election. I don’t think you are a sellout, but I am disappointed that you didn’t use the leverage that you had to do SOMETHING even if you thought a M4A vote was not the best move. Plus, you should communicate with your people more if you are going to do the op… See More