Happy valentine's day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug
Happy valentine's day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug
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Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

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Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

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That’s all great Diane, but prosecuting such a flagrant disregard for the law should be the first consideration. “Borders on extortion”, seriously? Impeach.. The next phase being, hopefully, incarceration.. Isn’t the integrity of our elections more important? Don’t we deserve to know if China and other elements compromised our democracy?. NO! Voter fraud is deplorable!. He has broken the law, hold him accountable.. Why are you and your esteemed colleagues allowing this sedition to continue? Why isn’t he in prison?? Oh yeah, he IS above the law. . How easy is it to say Trump’s actions are “deplorable” and then do nothing about it? How about at least saying what you think should be done? When nothing happens to people who break the law, it sends a message to the next one who wants to try it. W… See More. #45 should be immediately charged with Election tampering. Get that going instead of pontificating about it! Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug 1

Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug 3

Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug 2

Ummm that’s not what I got from the transcript at all. More an effort to create transparency and accountability and frustration that Raffensperger was so uninterested in either.. True the vote. What are you afraid of? America knows democrates cheated. Trump is not asking Raffensperger to manufacture votes. He’s asking him to find and return the votes that were stolen. I applaud Raffensberger for recording the conversation. Bravery should be recognized. Trump beats a violent drum.. You twist words like TakaNO. YOUR BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY C H I N A.. The next phase of his life should include being held responsible for the damage he’s done.. Let’s compare this to the Chinese spy you had in your employ as a personal assistant for 20 years.. Of course he does! And justly so, your side cheated and stole the election.. So what action will you take to confront this behavior? We need action, Senator, not words. Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

Happy valentine’s day to the best thing that ever happened to me and my wiener mug

And a bunch of other CRAP! It should also include TERM LIMITS!. Respectfully, I have a very low mortgage, especially do considering I live in Southern California. $600 won’t pay even one month’s mortgage. On the other hand, businesses can now deduct 3-martini lunches. How is that right?. This package is an insult to all Americans.
COVID-19 Relief Bill. Hey hi, how come people are only getting 600 bucks but corporate lunches go back to being write offs?. And it supports a whole lot of pork for things that have nothing to do with COVID relief.. Sorry, Senator; this piece of legislation is deeply flawed and wastes money better spent on the American people by handing out millions to foreign countries and the wealthy. Time to replace out of touch millionaire dodderers with people who have actual… See More. It’s really time for you to retire. We appreciate the glass ceilings you’ve broken, but enough already.