Today is day 21 year 21 century 21 historical date for this beautiful nation thank you amigo Barack Obama we support your unity and the love you inspire to the country and the world.. I love that he immediately got to work-because he has a huge workload to undo all the damage trumpy has done. Wishing this administration all the luck and all the prayers for the next 4 years or more, God Willing!. So proud to once again have a competent caring adult with conviction in office. I like the fact that you’re both friends. I can just see Joe getting into a bind and calling up his main man for some advice.. we’re baaaaaaack! So great to have a mature adult back in the WH!. America deserves this breath of fresh air. . It was so wonderful to see you with President Clinton and President Bush last night. You guys riffed and it was awesome! Thanks for all of your support! #BidenHarris Golden Retriever you and me we got this bedding set
Golden Retriever you and me we got this bedding set

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Golden Retriever you and me we got this bedding set 2
For over a year I as well as many others have asked for a COVID Czar. After so many people have died, we finally get one! There is a plan, asking all Americans to help. There is hope.. President Obama the world loves you much, always wonder if these negative things The Economist writes are true. I mean about US economy. Yesterday was the best day in 4 years! Congratulations to the new administration, to the USA, to the world. Decency, kindness, common sense prevailed. What an absolute relief and joy! . Thank goodness the country is back in safe hands.. well done Joe and Kamala from Scotland . So proud to be an American again . Absolutely! US will once again unite and lead the world and together we will save the planet earth. America is back. Very encouraging first day in office. God speed. . There is no Planet ‘B’. The Earth is our only home and its state of affairs cannot be neglected anymore. Golden Retriever you and me we got this bedding set
Golden Retriever you and me we got this bedding set
He definitely leaves an amazing legacy! Thank you for sharing your personal story!. Hank Aaron was my father’s favorite player and he always wore the number 44 when he played sports. My brother continued in that tradition and always wore 44, and now my nephew. He was truly an inspiration, RIP Hank.. May he RIP. As a child I saw many games in Atlanta thanks to my mom being one of their most ardent fans.. Thank you Mr. President. Hank Aaron was my favorite player up to the time he retired. I remember him and will never forget what he gave to baseball.. Wonderful words of respect from such a kind heart. Thank you Sir for maintaining dignity despite adversity. Namaste.. He was speaker at my son’s Harvard graduation. An amazing person.. He is definitely that ALL TIME HOMERUN hero. No steroids just perfect strength. One of the truly greatest. Grew up loving baseball and he was one of my favorites.