But shopping does not! Family meeting in isle 13 in 2 hours please. What was the death rate for last year asking for a friend?. It’s finally getting pleasant to be outside again in Florida. Good idea. A mask outside? Deer hunting american flag bed set Outdoor movie nights are fun. People listen to pieces of the message and then spread it out of context. Your DNA is safe. I’ll be having 12 people over. Don’t think gathering outdoors will work in Colorado. I wonder how many people realize that this pandemic is going to keep going until every single person in this country personally knows someone who has died from Covid? Because that’s what it’s gonna take for all of you to take it seriously. Unless it’s a protest or a statesman funeral. Then proceed with abandon. Thanksgiving was great & Christmas will be even more wonderful. Thanks.
Deer hunting american flag bed set
Omg. You people don’t even see how absurd everything you say or do is. Well if the mask help why is the virus spiking. Someone told me that the Coronavirus Vaccines alter your DNA. Is this true?.I can’t believe that you bureaucrats get paid with taxpayer funds to sound like the broken record that you are!. What is winter holidays? I hope you’re not referring to Christmas. Can you define case, diagnosis, and identify the methodology used to determine rates of infection and death?. Idiocracy wasn’t just a movie! More lies by Nancy Pelosi and the CDC. We have decided to wait and have Christmas in July. I don’t think they know everything about this disease yet. What’s the survival rate for those under 70 years old? It’s six feet apart and a mask. Jim see it now says to wear a mask for outdoor activities. Why aren’t you telling the world about Ivermectin. Look it up people. No need for a vaccine. Studies and data on Ivermectin are being suppressed. Pierre Kory MD. Look it up! Share. Deer hunting american flag bed set

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They haven’t studied this vaccine long enough to no how affective it will be or the side effects. IT’S as scary as Covid itself, why my total trust has to be in the Lord .My entire household had fought off the virus already a week after July 4th and no one has been sick since .10 of us had mild symptoms, and one tested postive. My biggest concern is can we all get this again. Remote learning is not the problem. Children do fine with it all the time. It is parents placing the value of other things above that of their family. The schools are being ravaged right now, at least in my area, and it is all political. Not mentioned yet is that your decision to send your children to school doesn’t just impact you as parents but the whole world around you of people that your children and your family interacts with spreading the covid-19 and flu Etc and then those people.