Adam Sandler, I love how you sing in this movie. You are quite talented. My favorite song is “bum biddy”. I love this movie definitely one of my favorites from Adam Sandler’s! . This movie is my 6 year olds favorite Christmas movie and Eleanor is her favorite character. Happy Hanukkah Adam. My favourite Adam Sandler movie, I watch it every year and have since I was young. It’s emotional and teaches important lessons for everyone. Happy Chanukah to you and your loved ones!. love that movie…it was super gross…but soo funny and the music and singing was awesome.. Happy Chanukah to you and your family. Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set Play GIF Tenor. Watch it every year! Some really gross humour but also fantastic musical numbers and a really sweet holiday story. The animation is also really cool and reminds me of The Iron Giant. Very underrated movie!. Happy Chanukah! We missed you in Swampscott this summer! Erika says “hi” to all and happy holidays xo!
Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set

Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set

Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set 1
One of my favorites! I also am not Jewish, but I love that you represent your beliefs in your movies! Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set Happy Hanukkah! Play GIF Tenor. One of my favorite Holiday movies, as well as Sandler films in general. Feel it’s underrated, love the humor, animation, and holds a special place in my heart. I worked at the Movie Theaters as a teen when this came out.. My son had to do a class music project where he had to submit his favourite holiday song. My 11 year old did Bum Biddy because Eight Crazy Nights is his favourite holiday movie. He presents his song tomorrow. I hope it’s not too inappropriate for a bun… See More. Happy Hanukkah Adam!!! Hope your family are happy and healthy.. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family, Adam. I absolutely love your Hanukkah song!. Happy Chanukah, Adam!! Your fan forever, keep up the great movies!!. It wasn’t that great. Just keeping it real. I love most of the rest of your movies. But this in was not so great.
Border Collie American Flag Bedding Set
I so love this movie. Adam Sandler is my favorite comedy actor and I love every movie he has ever made. The Waterboy is another favorite of mine. Merry Christmas Adam Sandler and family!. Love the movie! Given the craziness this year has brought…. we need a new verse of the Hanukkah song!. Watched this last night as a family. It’s been a few years since we’ve done that. My daughter, now 14, laughed and giggled like she was 5 again. It brought back all the good memories of past Holiday traditions that we gave up on this year. Definitely g… See More. HAPPY CHANUKAH WE LOVE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY STAY SAFE. Saw this movie when I was 8 and now we watch it every Christmas Eve. Best song hands down is technical foul. One of you best movies ever. Watched it one night and brought my young son to work the next day, I worked for a Orthodox Jewish firm, and my son starting singing bum biddy song, they got a good laugh out of it.