Are refunds going to be pushed back another year? Was told I’d have a refund for Amsterdam in March 21 one month after the next scheduled date!. So glad that I had the chance to watch one of your shows, that I saw you perform at the Olympic Stadium in Munich years ago!. I love Avril, but her shows aren’t worth it. I saw her last year and she had 1 opener play roughly 30 minutes. Then after 30 minutes in between she came out and played 14 songs, which sounds like a decent amount… until 3 of them were condensed not ev… See More. Totally okay you shouldn’t have to apologize for delaying your shows!. Come back to Toronto when it’s safe to do so!! I really want to see you live!!!. I look forward to your concert in March 2021 in Prague. I wonder where the interest gained on the money paid for tickets is going to go? To a charity? Doubt it but wishful thinking eh? Bible With Bright Cross Bedding Set
Bible With Bright Cross Bedding Set

Bible With Bright Cross Bedding Set
Come to Kentucky one day.ive been a fan since I was 12 yrs old! Would love to see ya…love your music . You’re incredible inspirational to others- my daughter dressed up like you for Halloween when she was 7, sang your songs at weddings and now she is 19- writing music! We love you . Please come to Montreal again!! Been waiting since I saw your show for the Black Star album!!. Really would love to see Avril in concert again, been several years! Haven’t seen her in concert since 2007-2008.. HOW HAS SHE NOT AGED. This must be so frustrating for Avril. But glad she’s being so strong about this!. Please do arena tours. It’s impossible to get tickets at such small venues, they sell out within minutes . México City Please!! . How can I get a refund from viagogo?it’s a long time, no matter how much I wanted to see Avril, it’s far too long to have £400 blocked for nothing x Bible With Bright Cross Bedding Set
Bible With Bright Cross Bedding Set
The announcement a Indian makes when it’s the exact opposite of a small world out there and little lime limbo baggins wants to return to the lord of the rings cupboard. Saw you in Connecticut twice, hope to see another show someday!. Can you come back to CT cause last time we met I forgot to ask for your autograph. I’m considering dating you Avril. Don’t get your hopes up though. Its sad to postpone but we all need to stay safe and get throw this thing first so…stay safe everyone!
Also, Avril Lavigne , i wish you’ll add some new places to the tour when it will happen, like my country of Israel for example? . You are so awesome. Can I have a private concert?. Where the hell is the old Avril. Come to new Zealand when this pandemic is over please and I’ll personally buy you a choccy milk