It’s the time to join hands together against covid 19 for huminity. Save trees save life. You guys were the first ones to NoT to declare it as a pandemic. Most useless organization ever change ur name to worlds useless organization. Yes, absolutely! How true.Very aptly put, Dr Ghebreyesus. It starts with each one of us.One single person can make a world of difference if he/ she puts her/ his heart and mind to it. Nothing is impossible! It just takes strength, courage, patience. You are solely responsible for the pandemic. 2020 will be remembered as humanity’s turning point from chaos to harmony. It’s impossible to go back to normal the way we knew it and how it’s being talked about in the news. So far there is only one positive thing about 2020 due to the lockdown. The public in all over the world is being betrayed and cheated by some powerful organisation and countries for their specific advantages and political reasons. 3D Cosplay Donnie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hoodie
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It’s being created polticaly by inadequate valuation of commodities of farm primary products. And as Miss America would say to world Peace. Why don’t you try to feed the Hungry people with good food and water with those money which are Invested in Vaccines and other Corporate things? Look start at the top. Take as much money from the person who has the most. Then the next. Then the next. Then the next. Then the next. Etc etc etc. And pass it out to everyone at the very bottom. And then the one right above them. How much money did the pharmacy companies have given to you. it would be a better situation. 3D Cosplay Donnie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hoodie
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You screwed it alllll up! The excess deaths are cause of the hunger from the lockdowns! Very True due to carona people R living in dire circumstances n lock down made life. With a 99.7% survival rate, a thinking person might think it was a massive fraud. If it so dangerous for poor people then why politics party holds rally that the time is not dangerous first tell the minister not to hold public meetings if they cares for people. You and your lying organization should solve these problems for the billions you earn. Yh but government and elites don’t know what it’s like to be hungry. Must act together. Together we fight covid – 19. Useless peoples are hearing,carry on Tedross.